Dear Crocs-
I must apologize; I misjudged you. I thought that all you made were ugly, holey abominations with heel straps. I get that you're all about comfort, but good lord! Who wants to walk around a Swiss Cheese on their feet (except perhaps Wisconsin Cheese-heads)?

Any way, there I was with my prejudices in all their glory when I found the cutest green (green!) wedges. I had to have them. I looked at the inside label and thought it said "Cross." I had never heard of that brand, so I approached the saleslady to inquire about them.
"I love those Crocs, don't you?" She immediately asked.
"Crocs?" I thought, "She must be crazy." But then, lo and behold when I looked at the label again (more carefully this time) it said "Crocs." I vomited on the spot. (Well, not really, but that would have been really dramatic.)
In the end it didn't matter. I had no choice but to buy the shoes. I went online afterwords and researched the company. As it turns out, they sell plenty of shoes that any self-respecting person could own and wear, so I have reconciled myself with not hating the company as a whole. I will never condone the abominations that first inspired my wrath, but I can no longer maintain my prejudice.
Besides, how can I hate a company with such a cute logo?

My deepest apologies,


Dear Lily Allen -
Let me premise this letter by saying that I love your music.

But what the hell were you thinking when you decided to wear this boob tube? (Translation: British for "tube top")

Now I am against boob tubes in general. (Why? Let me explain.) But they are even worse when they don't fit. You had to pull the top up every five seconds just so you don't flash the entire crowd! Okay, so you wanted to wear a tube top. Have an extra hook and eye added at the top back. Or just get one that fits.


P.S. - If you need a wardrobe consultant, I'm available.